Christian Testimony Guide

All Lakeshore Baptist Church members should have a credible profession of faith. This “testimony guide” serves to help think through our conversion experience and to share with others our relationship with Christ and what he has done in our life. Individuals requesting membership can use this guide in their discussions with the pastor as they seek to be united with the church.

The Bible sets forth baptism as our “public profession of faith” and our primary declaration of repentance and identification with Christ (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:38, etc). In addition to baptism, the Bible teaches us that we should be prepared for “anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3:15) This guide aims to help in that preparation.

Write, or be prepared to discuss orally, short answers to the following questions. These do not need to be long. Spend some time praying over each answer, praising God for his work of grace in your life.

1. Give a brief biography of yourself. (Where were you born? Where do you live? What do you do? Do you have a family?)

2. What was your spiritual life like before you came to Christ? What is your religious background?

3. How did you come to Christ? What circumstances and/or people did God use to draw you to himself?

4. What is the gospel?

5. How has your life changed after coming to Christ?

6. If you have not yet been baptized, why do you want to be baptized? If you have been baptized, when and where were you baptized?

7. Why do you want to join Lakeshore Baptist Church? If you are already a member of Lakeshore Baptist Church, when did you join. In what ways has the church impacted your relationship with Christ?

8. In what ways has God gifted you for service? In what ways do you feel you can contribute to the life of the church?